Dear Friends
Unfortunately, the weather was foul on 19 November, when we had the last talk of 2024 and so - understandably - attendance was down; but those of who could attend were treated to a fascinating explanation by Paddy Gallagher about the multitude of things we can do with the camera on our i-phones, but also the continuing advantages of a conventional camera.
The first event in the New Year will be the A.G.M. on 18th February, followed by a talk by Reggie Heyworth Managing Director of the Cotswold Wildlife Park. Further details and indeed the programme for 2025 as a whole, will be posted on the Society's website.
The most important task at the A.G.M. will be to elect a new Committee; and I need to tell you that we have received nominations in respect of most, but not all existing members. (Those willing to continue include me, by the way). As a result, WE NEED 3 NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS to be nominated, including those who are willing to hold the offices of Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Events Secretary. The first two of these offices have been combined in the past; but that does not necessarily need to be the case in future.
I therefore encourage all members to consider whether they would like to be considered for these 3 posts. I would stress that this is your opportunity to
(1) Decide future programmes of events [starting with 2026].
(2) Influence the community's view on planning applications.
(3) Decide what grants we should make to local causes.
(4) Steer the direction of travel of our Society (subject of course to the Constitution).
I hope we will see you all at the AGM. If anyone would like to know more about what we do and what the various officers are responsible for, please phone me on 07801 553830 or our Secretary Bert Clough on 07943 720688. Nominations should be sent to Bert on
With compliments of the Season from Mary and me.
5 December 2024